At LHF, we are M.A.D.E!
M.A.D.E is acronym for Making A Difference Everyday.
M.A.D.E demonstrates that the positive impacts we make within and in our immediate
environments ultimately influence our nation and the world at large. Our M.A.D.E projects and
activities have been put together to encourage “caring, sharing & giving.
Our M.A.D.E Projects & Activities
Solid Education
- Readers-are-Leaders Initiative: For donations of (nicely used & new) books to equip impoverished libraries & communities.
- School-Supplies-Support Initiative: For donations of (nicely used & new) text books, school bags & other educational materials to disadvantaged children.
- Education-Support-Drive: For the donation of school furniture, infrastructure & educational materials.
- Success-for-All Initiative: Promotes academic excellence support among and for pupils.
Sound Health
- Every-Child-Counts Initiative: Promotes equal opportunities for all children through medical awareness programmes like our HEALTHY ME Campaign, medical support/donations/treatment, education support/funding/scholarships etc., so they can reach their full potentials.
- Medical-Support-Drive: For the provision of free medical services by skilled volunteers.
- True-Talk: For health talks, career talks, motivational speeches by expert volunteers.
Strong Values
- Share-a-Snack Initiative: For donations of balanced/healthy school snacks/ food bags to less privileged pupils.
- Adopt-a-Buddy Initiative: To encourage children to give (used) clothes, shoes etc. to orphans.
- Head, Heart & Hands (H3) Initiative: Supports projects and programmes created by children, teenagers and youths to give of themselves to humanity and the world, from their skills and abilities (Head), passion (Heart) and works (Hands).
- BuidlingME Initiative: “Manners Matter and Ethics Empower”, so this programme prepares children to fit and function excellently well in society through discussions, trainings, mentorships etc.
- Parent-Police: For sharing "Parenting Best Practices” at interactive forums.